IAYO and De Unges Orkesterforbund (UNOF) have created a digital guide for those interested in learning more about rehearsing online via the open source software Jamulus.
You can download the guide here in PDF format.
About the Guide:
This guide is meant as a starting point for those who are curious about rehearsing online and those who may have an interest in learning more about online rehearsal methods.
It is meant for both young musicians and their teachers, or anyone with an interest in the topic. It has a pedagogical section with suggestions on how to get the most out of online rehearsals, what works and what doesn’t work online, and a step-by step guide on how to get started. It also has a technical section with suggestions to equipment and software.
This guide is the result of a collaboration between IAYO and UNOF which was funded by the Erasmus+ Youth Mobility Fund.
This collaboration saw a Cork based group Thalia Quartet participating in online rehearsals with a similar third level group from Norway called Prosjekt MMXX. Both rehearsed online using Jamulus and this collaboration culminated in two concerts. Read more about this collaboration here and here. You can watch a video of the group’s Cork concert and talk here.
IAYO are available to offer advice to those thinking about purchasing equipment.
IAYO also have print copies which can be posted to you, please contact info@iayo.ie for more information.