Dutch Ensemble Looking for Irish Collaborations

The Ricciotti Ensemble, a group of young musicians from Amsterdam, are looking for places to play this August in Ireland, as well as for young players or orchestras to collaborate with.

The Ricciotti Ensemble believe that every person should be able to experience a symphony orchestra. They will be in Ireland from 10 August until 15 August and therefore are looking for suggestions for venues i.e. hospitals, direct provision centres, nursing homes etc. The talented Séamus Hickey will join the ensemble as soloist for the summer tour.

The ensemble can be set up within five minutes ready to play and only need a power socket. The ensemble also need a performance space of 6*8m and can also play outdoors. In return, the ensemble ask for compensation that is according to the host’s ability to pay. So this can be financial compensation or food.

They are also looking for violinists (age 18-30) to play with them in Ireland and the Netherlands. Read more here about this opportunity here and apply via the application form.

Please contact Julie at tourneemanager@ricciotti.nl if you have suggestions for a venue or a collaboration.

Learn more about the ensemble at www.ricciotti.nl.