Call to Participate in Youth Art SPEAKS
Are you aged 18 to 25 and passionate about youth arts and creativity? Join the Youth Arts SPEAKS project and have your voice heard.
See more and apply online at
Building on the powerful youth arts advocacy discussions led by young people at the SPARK Youth Arts Festival earlier this year, the National Youth Council of Ireland’s Youth Arts Programme is now looking for more young people aged 18 to 25 from all over Ireland to share and discuss their experiences of youth arts and its impact on their lives. Youth Arts SPEAKS is a youth arts advocacy group that aims to place young people’s voices at the heart of national conversations about youth arts.
Youth Arts SPEAKS participants will take part in a series of online and in-person workshops this winter to explore their stories, opinions and creativity. They will work together to shape and participate in the Youth Arts SPEAKS event during the SPARK Youth Arts Festival and create a special, online youth arts advocacy exhibition with other young people. Travel costs to Dublin will be covered for participants for in-person workshops.
To apply for the project, please register by Tuesday, 19 December 2023.
For more information, contact or
Youth Arts SPEAKS and the National Youth Arts Programme is funded by The Arts Council and the Department for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.