Job Opportunity: Music Generation Development Officer (County Clare)

Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board invites applications for the position of Music Generation Development Officer (County Clare).

Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board seeks to appoint a Music Generation Development Officer who will be responsible for managing a programme of performance music education on behalf of County Clare Local Music Education Partnership.

Music Generation Clare is a performance music education programme which commenced in 2014 as part of Phase 1 of the rollout of Music Generation. It provides access to performance music education programmes with a specific focus on engaging with children and young people in County Clare. 

The successful candidate will have a broad understanding of the diversity of effective, contemporary approaches across the diversity of performance music education – and will have the skills and experience to develop a programme that responds to the specific needs of children and young people.

Closing date for applications is 12 noon, Friday, 9 July 2021.

For further information, application details and full specifications, please see