12th European Forum on Music

The 12th European Forum on Music will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria from 5-7 June 2024 centered around the theme of Equity in Music.

Draft schedule:

  • Wednesday, 5 June: Annual Meeting of European Music Council members (afternoon) with EFM opening reception (evening)
  • Thursday, 6 June: Official EFM opening and sessions
  • Friday, 7 June: EFM sessions and closing

Learn more and apply online here.

The EMC encourages all EFM participants to consider sustainable travel options when possible such as trains, direct flights, etc. when planning their trips to Sofia. You can find out more about the EMC commitment to minimise its ecological footprint, implementing sustainable practices, and behaving as an example of good environmental practice for our members and other cultural networks here.

The term “equity” can be understood in many ways but the most common is that in relation to fairness and a situation in which everyone is treated equally. 

However, equity goes beyond giving everyone “a seat at the table”, it is also about a commitment to making that table bigger and fairer to all people irrespective of sex, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, class, ethnicity, religion or other status as stated in Goal 10 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), “Reduce inequality within and among countries”.