
Volunteering Policy Template:

IAYO along with Wendy Arlow, General Manager at Dublin Youth Orchestras have created a template volunteering policy for our member orchestras. Members can fill in the blanks and add or remove sections as they feel appropriate. Our safeguarding and other documents are also referred to in the document template. Copies of all our policies in editable format can be had by contacting the office at info@iayo.ie and asking for the relevant documents.

You can download this template in word format here.

Below are links to two useful brochures for your orchestra is you use, or are thinking of using, volunteers in your organisation. Following that are links to organistations involved with volunteering in Ireland.

Volunteering in the Arts Toolkit

Voluntary Arts Ireland and Volunteer Ireland have teamed up to publish a guide getting, keeping and taking care if volunteers. It covers areas such as Recruiting Volunteers, Retaining Volunteers, Induction and Training, Support and Supervision along with legal and financial advice. You can download the guide here.

The Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement

The Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement was developed as part of the International Year of Volunteers 2001 celebrations. In 2004, Volunteer Canada updated the Code in partnership with the Canadian Administrators of Volunteer Resources (CAVR). It is designed to present a setting in which organizations can discuss how their volunteers are engaged and supported.

The Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement provides voluntary and not-for-profit organizations with a philosophical framework for involving volunteers at the governance, leadership and direct service levels. The Code outlines the values, principles, and standards for effective volunteer practices within organizations. It also includes the Organization Standards Checklist, which will assist organizations to evaluate and improve their volunteer programs.

Download the code here.


Thinking of volunteering?

This guide is produced by Volunteer Centres Ireland, the national agency that promotes and supports volunteering nationally. It is useful in seeing the reasons that people might volunteer and what their expectations might be.

Download the guide here. It is also available in hard-copy from your local Volunteer Centre.


Volunteer Ireland

Volunteer Centres Ireland and Volunteering Ireland have merged to create Volunteer Ireland, a single national volunteering organisation for Ireland. The services and supports for volunteering previously offered by two organisations will now be delivered by one. Volunteer Ireland

  • Facilitates the national network of local Volunteer Centres
  • Externally promotes the network of Volunteer Centres and the services they provide, including the placement of volunteers
  • Develops best practice within and across Volunteer Centres and the organisations they work with
  • Collaborates with other volunteering and third-sector organisations
  • Manages the only national database of volunteering opportunities in Ireland
  • Manages www.volunteer.ie as a portal for volunteering in Ireland
  • Makes frequent and regular contributions to policy debates
  • Publishes ’Step by Step’ and best practice guides to volunteering for volunteers and volunteer-involving organisations
  • Co-ordinates the National Day of Volunteering
  • Co-ordinates a national programme of volunteer management training that is delivered locally via our member Volunteer Centres

Find out more at www.volunteer.ie.

Fact-sheets and guides for managing volunteers are available at www.volunteer.ie/involving-volunteers/vms/.


Voluntary Arts Ireland

Voluntary Arts Ireland seeks to promote participation in the arts and crafts by supporting the development of the voluntary arts sector. Find out more at www.vaireland.org.