Wexford Council Council Per Cent for Art Commissions: Call for Submissions
The Arts Department of Wexford County Council is delighted to announce an exciting new round of Per Cent for Art commissions, in excess of €300,000. This new round will incorporate mainly sculpture, but there will also be opportunities for artist residency schemes, which are open to all art forms.
The initial sculpture programme will include new works for the N11 Gorey to Arklow Link, Bunclody and Cherryorchard, Enniscorthy. Submissions for these schemes are now being invited from sculptors. A panel of sculptors will also be put in place for commissions in other areas of the county, which may arise during 2009 with budgets of up to €59,850. In addition, submissions are invited from artists, practicing in all art forms – music, dance, drama, literature, film etc. – to apply for a place on a multi disciplinary panel for residency opportunities, which also may arise during 2009 with budgets of up to €20,000. The closing date for receipt of submissions is 5pm Thursday, 30th October 2008.
These commissions are funded through the Per Cent for Art Scheme – a funding mechanism to support the commissioning of works of public art, whereby one per cent of the overall cost of a construction project is ring-fenced and allocated for an art project. Wexford County Council has proactively implemented this scheme for over ten years and has undertaken some thirty four commissions to date.
Recent commissions have included a wide breath of genres and art forms, from traditional sculptures such as The Last Oak Tree at Ballymackesy, Clonroche and the ambitious Harbouring – a choral and orchestral work which brought together local and national performers. Ephemeral time based projects, multimedia projects, musical compositions and audio maps are among the many disciplines that form part of the recent Public Art Programme.
For further details, commission briefs and application forms, please contact Sinéad Redmond, Public Art Administrator, The Arts Department, Wexford County Council, County Hall, Wexford, Telephone 053 9176440 / 9176369, Email sinead.redmond@wexfordcoco.ie Website www.wexford.ie/arts