Concertgebouworkest Young 2023 Audition Process Opens

Concertgebouworkest Young is the international youth orchestra of the Concertgebouworkest. Made up of young, talented musicians aged fourteen to seventeen from all over Europe, Young truly reflects the diversity of European society. In 2023, Young will be held – for the third time – from Thursday 10 to Sunday, 27 August 2023. Auditions are open on Muvac from November 2022 on.

Young are looking for a wide variety of instruments, this year including a pianist, two harpists and a saxophonist. More information can be found here.

Application deadline Sunday, 5 February 2023. FAQs here.

Application details:

Each young musician must be nominated by someone who knows him or her well – a music teacher or a conductor of a local youth orchestra, school orchestra or ensemble, for example. The nominator writes a recommendation, which the nominee can attach to his or her application on Muvac.

You will need two referees (one of whom is the nominator). Your two referees will then make their confidential recommendations based on your personal and musical qualities. Important questions that need to be answered are:

  • What is the musical motivation for making the recommendation?
  • How would the nominee contribute to Young’s other objectives regarding diversity, ambassadorship and hidden talent?

These two recommendation letters (from the ‘nominator’ and the reference) can be attached to the application on Muvac.

Audition requirements:

Young is open to European residents from any background whatsoever. We are particularly open to candidates who can bring a greater degree of diversity to classical orchestral music and/or who have not had access or the opportunity to train at the highest level or to participate in highly qualified youth orchestras, summer festivals or similar experiences outside their communities.

The aim of Concertgebouworkest Young is to showcase those with hidden talent – young musicians who could use a little extra support and who have lacked visibility in the orchestras of Europe.

How would you like to be fully immersed in classical music for two and a half weeks weeks together with your peers from all over Europe? Discover the great symphonic repertoire under the baton of a world-famous conductor. Come and perform as a member of Concertgebouworkest Young!

As a participant, you must be a minimun age of fourteen and a maximum age of 17 years old during the summer of 2022. That means you must have been born between 27 August 2005 and 10 August 2009. Unfortunately, we cannot make exceptions to this rule.

Participation in the Young summer camp is free of charge so that anyone has the chance to take part. Travel expenses, too, are reimbursed. Young is made possible by support from private individuals, funds and the business community.